Narrative Threads Blog
Scroll through our Narrative Threads blog to enjoy behind-the-scenes insight on special projects for leading interior designers and architects.
Scroll through our Narrative Threads blog to enjoy behind-the-scenes insight on special projects for leading interior designers and architects.
When our President Carol Sebert met Matthew Rowe from Campaign for Wool - Canada at the opening of our new showroom in September 2019, little did we know that a year later we would be launching a capsule collection of rugs made from 100% Canadian wool.
In 2019 Vice President Ana Cunningham was delighted to call upon her 20 years experience to create a harmonized vision for four handtufted rugs in a modern Toronto home. “Each rug we worked on was tailored to its own space while still maintaining a visual connection to the others,” she said.
Welcome to the first in a series of interviews introducing the remarkably talented artisans around the world who turn Creative Matters designs into beautifully crafted floorcoverings. Today we meet a highly successful mill in the Bhadohi district of northern India.
October is wool month. This amazing fibre will be celebrated around the world for such a wide range of reasons. Has it occurred to you that among other things it is: natural, renewable, biodegradeable, insulating, breathable, resilient and elastic, multi-climatic and trans-seasonal, easy care, odour resistant and safe?
Like many of you, we were surprised and confused to suddenly find ourselves working from home in the middle of March. Our gorgeous new showroom abandoned; no access to our colour lab with its thousands of wool samples…
Welcome to Halcyon, our most recent collection. We’re excited to show off the new images here along with insights from the design team behind these works of art. The beautiful fair trade rugs themselves are now proudly on display in our new studio.
With the launch of our new website this week, we welcome the arrival of our first-ever Creative Matters online shop. Savvy consumers and rug investors will now be able to view and order a contemporary, handcrafted Creative Matters collection rug with a click of a mouse. Previously our collections were only available from select retailers, through an interior designer or very rarely from a pop-up store near our studio.
“Immerse yourself in the elegance of art deco and the warmth of mahogany wood. The opulent surroundings are designed to heighten your senses …,” proclaims the website of Vancouver’s Gotham Steakhouse & Bar. We were delighted to play our role in creating this special ambiance.
Welcome readers from around the world. We hope this issue of Narrative Threads finds you, your families and colleagues well. To show you how we’re managing, how our colleagues at mills in other parts of the world are faring, and what we can do together to keep our international community strong, we bring you this update.
Art Day - when our whole team takes time away from regular work to indulge in pure creation on a particular theme - is at the heart of the design culture of Creative Matters. Imagine everyone’s delight this month when Senior Designer Sandra Ciganic-McKinney announced that she had booked four Tibetan rug weavers complete with mini-looms to join us for our next Art Day.