Social Responsibility
Label STEP Fair Trade
Label STEP is the internationally recognized non-profit organization for fair trade in handmade carpets. Creative Matters became its first licensed partner in North America in 2011. Our firm is certified by STEP for committing to fair trade practices throughout our entire supply chain. Together we work to:
improve working and living conditions for weavers and workers
eliminate child labour
empower weavers and workers
foster environmentally sound production
promote a sustainable industry and enhance market prospects
"The work STEP does to ensure ethical practices in the handmade carpet industry is critically important, not only for the skilled artisans whose livelihoods and quality of life are positively affected, but also for the health and sustainability of the industry as a whole."
- Carol Sebert, Founder, Creative Matters Inc.
Label STEP Honorary Ambassador and Licensed Partner
Fair Trade Monitoring
Label STEP's 20 years of experience monitoring and improving working conditions in all important handmade carpet-producing countries has been integrated into the STEP Standard for fair trade. This industry-leading 10-point Standard, based on the International Labour Organization's standards and policies, provides the broadest and strictest labour, health, safety, social and environmental rules in the carpet industry.
"Throughout years of experience working in the carpet weaving sector, we have determined the best improvements can be made when all those involved in bringing handmade carpets to market play an active and supportive role in embracing fair trade practices."
- Reto Aschwanden, Label STEP Managing Director
STEP Standard
Health and Safety
Working conditions are safe and hygienic so that the health of the workers is not affected.
Sufficient space, light, drinking water, ventilation and emergency facilities must be available and adapted to the type of work.
Child Labour
Child labor as defined by the ILO and the United Nations is prohibited. Stricter national legislation takes precedence. Working conditions that are similar to bonded labor, affect children's health or endanger their schooling are prohibited.
The term “child labor” is defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and which is harmful to their physical and mental development.
The wages for regular work or overtime correspond to or exceed the statutory minimum wage and / or the market wage (whichever is higher). The terms of payment and deductions must be agreed in advance, preferably in writing.
The local living wage calculated according to the ETI formula is set as the target.
Clear wages are defined in the agreed terms. When unit wages are agreed (for example, per node; per square foot, square inch, or square meter; per Kaghaz, Raj, or other local unit), these approaches must allow the worker to produce the number of units required to achieve the agreed wage needed and this on normal working days of 8 hours with average productivity.
Payment is made on time and in a form acceptable to the employer and the employee. No interest may be charged on advance payments.
The STEP stakeholders are committed to providing access to all information that is necessary for the conduct of the audit by the STEP auditors.
The STEP licensees undertake to provide STEP with a complete record of all carpet purchases and supply chains, to enable inspections and to initiate improvement measures if necessary. The auditors can visit the workers unrestrictedly and unhindered.
Environmental Protection
Larger dyeing and final laundry companies must have an environmental concept in order to achieve continuous improvements with regard to environmentally friendly production.
Environmentally friendly production includes in particular the reduction of water and energy consumption, wastewater treatment, the use of air filters, the reduction of dangerous substances and the careful disposal of the generated waste. In all environmentally relevant production areas, the person responsible is made aware of the environmental risks by the STEP auditor. Problems and solutions are discussed with the parties involved in the supply chain and with the local authorities.
Working Hours
Working hours and overtime must comply with national legislation and comply with the industry standard. Employees have the right to at least one full day off per week.
The maximum weekly working time is defined in national legislation, but must not regularly exceed 48 hours. Overtime is used for temporary contracts (not in the case of unit wages). The overtime may not exceed 12 hours a week and may not be required regularly.
Inhuman Treatment
Physical punishment, mental or physical coercive measures, and verbal or physical (sexual) abuse are prohibited. Possible disciplinary measures are clearly defined and the employees are informed about them.
Clearly defined measures mean that the violations and the relevant sanctions are precisely determined beforehand and that no measures other than these are applied. Disciplinary measures in the form of deductions from wages are not permitted. Disciplinary measures must always be announced in writing and in an understandable form (in words and / or with pictograms).
Forced Labour
Forced labor and bondage are prohibited. The workers are hired out of their free will. They know their rights and obligations towards the employer.
All workers work on a voluntary basis. You are free to end the work at any time, observing the statutory or contractually agreed notice period. It is recommended to conclude the contracts in writing.
Freedom of Organization
Workers have the right to form organizations of their own choice and/or to join unions or other organizations. The companies enable collective bargaining with unions or other forms of independent organizations of employee representatives.
The employer must accept collective bargaining if the legal requirements are met, for example if the required proportion of union members has been reached. The employer meets regularly with democratically elected and independently organized employee representatives to discuss issues raised and find an agreement, especially with regard to improving working conditions.
Any form of discrimination is prohibited. Any distinction, exclusion or preference that is made on the basis of race or caste, skin color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social origin or union membership and which leads to this It is prohibited to abolish or impair equal opportunities or equal treatment in employment or occupation.
All employees have the same rights in terms of employment, remuneration, training, promotion, retirement provision, termination of the contract and all other relevant aspects of the employment.
Giving Back
A portion of the proceeds of each Creative Matters handmade rug supports the work that our NGO Partner Label STEP does to verify fair trade and develop outreach programs in the handmade carpet industry.
We have also:
Developed a seminar - "Navigating Ethical Production in the Developing World" - to educate others about the importance of fair trade
Collaborated with Cover Magazine and The Rug Show to present Art Day™ @ The Rug Show in NYC to benefit up-and-coming designers and Label STEP
Carol Sebert, Creative Matters President, was appointed Honorary STEP Ambassador in 2017 for her tireless work promoting fair trade in the handmade carpet industry
Designed and manufactured exclusive Creative Matters 25th anniversary handknotted rug for Label STEP fundraising
Worked with Label STEP to assist our colleagues in Nepal during the aftermath of the devastating 2015 earthquake
Presented Creative Matters Art Day™ workshops at Hamro Ghar in Kathmandu, where children rescued from non-fair trade carpet mills are lodged and schooled
Created Hariti (Tibetan for "protectress of children"), a handmade rug which was raffled to raise more than $10,000 for RugMark (now GoodWeave), a non-profit foundation working to end illegal child labour in the handmade carpet industry
Was a licensed importer and supporter of RugMark prior to partnering with Label STEP in 2011. Supported numerous charitable causes close to home and close to the hearts of our associates.